16a Newmarket Street, Cape Town



On instruction by the member the Scheme will transfer an amount from the member’s MediVault into the member’s Wallet,
which will then become available to the member for the funding of any claim for a Relevant Healthcare Service. A claim will

only be funded from the member’s Wallet once the member’s Medical Savings Account has been depleted.
How the Wallet works
Any healthcare treatment as defined in the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998.Relevant Healthcare Services
Principal Member Only = M0

Principal Member + 1 Dependant = M0+1
Principal Member + 2 Dependants = M0+2
Principal Member + 3 or more Dependants = M0+2+
A paypoint that is willing to facilitate and/or contribute 100% towards the Member’s instalment.
Participating Paypoint Group
General Provisions
a) The MediVault is available annually as per the Scheme benefit year, which runs from 1 January to 31 December. The MediVault can be accessed at any time during the
benefit year.

b) The MediVault will not be prorated for a member joining the Scheme during the benefit year unless predetermined rules are defined for a Participating Paypoint.

c) The minimum amount which may be transferred from the MediVault to the Wallet is R600
Eligibility Criteria
a) The MediVault is available to all members on options which offer this benefit and who have accepted the terms and conditions of the MediVault.

b) To qualify for the MediVault the member must be in good standing with the Scheme and over the age of 18 years.
c) Suspended and terminated members will not be allowed to transfer any amounts from their MediVault to their Wallet, nor will suspended member be able to select a Fixed option.
d) The legal guardian of a member younger than 18 years of age, can apply for the benefit on behalf of the minor member.

e) The MediVault is only available to active beneficiaries of the Scheme.
MediVault Conditions
a) In order to access the loan facility in the MediVault a member will be required to accept the terms and conditions contained in this document. This acceptance can be in writing,

orally or via the Fedhealth Family Room (website) or other digital platforms offered by the Scheme. If you select the Fixed option, you automatically agree to the Terms

and Conditions.

b) The MediVault is provided by the Scheme, in terms of the Scheme Rules, more particularly Rule 20.14 (which empowers the Board to grant repayable loans to members) and
Section 30 (b) of the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998.
c) The loan amount in the MediVault will only be available up to a maximum as specified on the applicable option or Company rule.

d) The loan will not attract any interest (i.e. it will be an interest free loan).

e) Any portion of the MediVault not transferred to the Wallet during a benefit year will not carry over to the next year.
f) The maximum loan amount available in the MediVault may only be utilised once during a benefit year. Repayment of the loan will not result in the loan becoming available again.
(i.e. the MediVault facility will not be based on a revolving credit basis).

g) The loan is only activated once the member instructs the Scheme to transfer an amount from the member’s MediVault to the member’s Wallet, or when the member selects a

Fixed option.
Wallet Activation
a) In order to activate the Wallet a member is required to instruct the Scheme to transfer an amount (see General Provisions above) from the member’s MediVault to the

member’s Wallet, or when the member selects a Fixed option.

b) Subject to the provisions under General Provisions above the member is not restricted in terms of the number of transfers from the MediVault into the Wallet in a benefit year.
c) Any amount held in the Wallet will not earn any interest.
d) A five (5) day cooling off period will be allowed for the purpose of cancelling the Wallet activation.
Wallet Utilisation
a) The amount transferred to the member’s Wallet can only be accessed by submitting a valid claim to the Scheme.

b) The amount available in the member’s Wallet will only be utilised once the member’s Medical Savings Account has been exhausted.
c) All payments made from the member’s Wallet for the benefit of the member or the member’s dependants will only be for the funding of Relevant Healthcare Services and
will be made directly by the Scheme to the healthcare provider, medical facility or refunded to the member.
d) The member and his/her dependants will have access to the amount available in the member’s Wallet during any waiting periods (if applicable).
e) Any amount left over in the member’s Wallet at year end will remain in the Wallet for utilisation in the following year. This amount will not earn any interest.
These are the terms and conditions that will apply to the activation and use of your MediVault and Wallet, which is available to all active Members of the Scheme who are on the

flexiFED Range.
The maximum, interest free, loan amount that is available in your MediVault, has been pre-determined by the Scheme in line with your selected benefits option and Family Size
or Composition. You can decide how much of the total amount available in your MediVault you choose to transfer to your Wallet, at any time during the benefit year, also known the

Flexible Option. The maximum repayment period for the amount transferred into your Wallet will be 12 months. Should you choose to select the Fixed option, a pre-determined

Wallet amount will be activated, please consult the Scheme brochure.
This is the maximum loan available to a qualifying member. The amount available is determined by the member’s

selected benefit option and Family Size or Composition. This loan only becomes available on acceptance of the terms

and conditions as contained in this document.
After the member has accepted the terms and conditions and on a member’s instruction, the Scheme will transfer an

amount from the member’s MediVault into the member’s Wallet. This transfer activates the member’s loan and the

maximum repayment period for the amount transferred will be 12 instalments (interest-free). The first instalment will
become due on the first (1st) day of the month following any transfer of an amount from the member’s MediVault into the
member’s Wallet before the tenth (10th) of the month any transfers after the tenth 10th will become due in the following
month. The member may instruct the Scheme to transfer any amount (up to the pre-determined maximum or minimum) at

any time during the benefit year (also see General Provisions below).
This is the account which will hold any amount which the member has instructed the Scheme to transfer from their
MediVault. This is also the account from which the Scheme will fund any claim for a Relevant Healthcare Service (as
defined in the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998) once the member’s Medical Savings Account has been depleted.
How the MediVault works
Family Size or Composition
• Repayments of the loan/s are in arrears and will commence on the debit order date selected following an instruction by the
member to transfer an amount from the MediVault to the Wallet before the tenth (10th) of the month any transfers after the
tenth 10th will become due in the following month.
• If the Fixed option is selected during a benefit year, the pre-determined Wallet activation will be pro-rated to ensure
repayments are completed by the end of January of the following year.
• The debit order deduction will be done on the selected day of the month, except where it falls on a public holiday then it will
be collected on the day before or after depending on the circumstances .
• Each and every loan activated must be repaid over a maximum 12 month period. The repayment term for that loan cannot
be amended after the event. Member number
Member name and surname
( )Member cellphone number
Member e-mail address
Member Identity Number
Repayment of the Activation Amount
a) Repayments of the loan/s are in arrears and will commence on the debit order date selected following an instruction by the member to transfer an amount from the MediVault to
the Wallet before the tenth (10th) of the month any transfers after the tenth 10th will become due in the following month.
b) If the Fixed option is selected during a benefit year, the pre-determined Wallet activation will be pro-rated to ensure repayments are completed by the end of January of the
following year.
c) Repayment of the loan payment by debit order is compulsory.

d) The debit order deduction will be done on the selected day of the month, except where it falls on a public holiday then it will be collected on the day before or after depending on
the circumstances .
e) Each and every loan activated must be repaid over a maximum 12 month period. The repayment term for that loan cannot be amended after the event.

f) You may select a repayment period less than 12 months.
g) Your debit order repayment amount will be adjusted with any subsequent loan activations. The Fixed option collection will remain the same, on condition that the previous year’s
instalment is fully paid up and no additional funds are accessed or activated during the year.
h) A single debit order will be deducted from the members’ account for contributions as well as the MediVault instalment, with the following reference: FDHSUBVLT<member
number>, unless a member belongs to a Non-Participating Paypoint Group that only pays for contributions and not the MediVault instalment, a separate debit order deduction will
occur with the following reference number: FDHVLT<member number>.
i) The member may make additional repayments at anytime, but it will not reduce the monthly instalment only the period of indebtedness.

j) The member will receive a monthly statement reflecting the total MediVault Benefit, MediVault Benefit used and MediVault Benefit available.
k) The statement will also reflect the detail of the MediVault Benefit used and repayments thereof.
l) If a member belongs to a Participating Paypoint Group, the repayment will be collected from the Participating Paypoint Group. The member still needs to provide their banking
details for collection to ensure continued collection if the member no longer belong to the Participating Paypoint Group.
m) The member remains ultimately responsible for the repayment of the loan.
Dependant Termination
a) If a dependant is terminated off the membership, the amount available in the MediVault will be recalculated according to the new Family Size and Composition.

b) If, at the time of termination of the dependant, the member has transferred an amount to his Wallet greater than the recalculated MediVault amount, no further transfers will be
allowed, however the member will still be required to repay all amounts transferred to the member’s Wallet.
c) If the member has not utilised more than the recalculated MediVault Benefit, the recalculated MediVault Benefit will be allocated as the new MediVault limit. The new MediVault
available balance will be the recalculated MediVault Benefit minus the amounts transferred to the Wallet during the benefit year.
Option Change during the Benefit Year

a) Where there is an option upgrade that takes place during the benefit year, to an option which also offers the MediVault Benefit, the MediVault Benefit will be recalculated according
to the new benefit option.
b) If a member downgrades to an option with a lower MediVault Benefit available and at the time of downgrading the member has transferred an amount to his Wallet greater than
the lower MediVault Benefit, no further transfers will be allowed, however the member will still be required to repay all amounts transferred to the member’s Wallet.
c) If a member downgrades to an option with a lower MediVault Benefit available and at the time of downgrading the member has not utilised more than the lower MediVault
Benefit, the lower MediVault Benefit will become the member’s new MediVault limit. The new MediVault available balance will be the lower MediVault Benefit minus any amounts

transferred to the member’s Wallet during the benefit year.
d) If the member moves to a Fedhealth option where the MediVault Benefit is not available, the member will be required to still repay the utilised amount transferred to the Wallet for
the remainder of the repayment period. Any unused credits will be offset with any debt outstanding or refunded to the member on request.
Repayment on Termination

a) Any outstanding loan amount owed by the member on termination of membership will be offset against any credit balances (including Wallet balances) due to the member.
b) Any remaining loan balance outstanding must be repaid to the Scheme by the first (1st) of the month following termination.
c) Any amount left in the member’s Wallet, after all debt has been settled, will be refunded to the member.
Repayment on Estate Late and Continuation Membership
a) Any outstanding loan amount owed by the deceased member cannot become the responsibility of the new member (continuation of the surviving spouse/dependant) and needs to
follow the Death Administration process as defined in Estate Act, 66 of 1965 (as amended).
b) The new member must comply with the Eligibility Criteria set out above.
c) The new member will be required to accept the MediVault terms and conditions before transferring a MediVault amount to their Wallet.
Repayment on Beneficiary Swop Membership
a) Members requesting a Beneficiary Swop from being the member to become a dependant must pay all outstanding loan balances owed before the transaction will be approved.
b) The new member must comply with the Eligibility Criteria set out above.
c) The new member will be required to accept the MediVault terms and conditions before transferring a MediVault amount to their Wallet.
d) The MediVault benefit on the new membership will only be activated after a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of the new membership becoming active, provided that all
outstanding activation amounts were settled by the dependant on the previous MediVault benefit.
Debt Collection Process

a) Any outstanding loan amount for an active or terminated member will not be written off and will be pursued through debt collection.
b) Deferred instalments will not be allowed and will result in full membership suspension and no claims will be paid until the member is in good standing, and the Scheme’s debt
collection process will follow.
c) A member who continues to default on the loan, instalment debt will be offset with the available Wallet credits and no further access will be allowed to the unused
MediVault Benefit.
d) Members will be liable to pay for all fees associated with the collection of outstanding debts.
SECTION 3 MEDIVAULT BANKING DETAILS Refund of claims and debit order instruction
I hereby instruct Fedhealth to electronically collect contributions and MediVault instalments as a single debit order and to deposit refunds, using the information provided
below (Direct Paying Members only). Should the collection date fall on a public holiday, the Scheme reserves the right to collect prior to or after the holiday. I understand

that transfers cannot be done to and from credit card accounts. I hereby authorise Fedhealth to reverse any erroneous transactions and/ or rectify any EFT errors without
prior notice. Note: Direct paying members can select from the following dates for debit order collections:
Should you miss a payment, Fedhealth reserves the right to deduct on a different date to collect the missed premium. Bank charges will apply for rejected debit orders.
The debit order collection description will have the following prefix before your membership number for current contribution collecitons: FDHSUBS, for arrear contribution
collections: FDHARR and a MediVault instalment collection: FDHVLT for arrears, or for a single debit order collection FDHSUBSVLT any arrear collection will include
ARR with previous abbreviates.
1st of the month 5th of the month 25th of the month20th of the month OR

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